Influential Software
IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports Advanced (v11.0)
Details of IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports Advanced (v11.0)
The IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports Advanced (v11.0) course is for professional report authors.
• The B6058G – IBM Cognos Analytics – Author Reports Fundamentals (v11.0) course or equivalent experience
1: Unit 1 Create query models
• build query models and then connect them to the report layout
• edit an SQL statement to author custom queries
• add filters and prompts to a report using the query models
2: Unit 2 Create reports based on query relationships
• create reports by joining queries
• combine data containers based on relationships from different queries
3: Unit 3 Create advanced dynamic reports
• filter reports on session parameter values
• navigate a briefing book using a table of contents
• create dynamic headers and titles that reflect report data
• create a customer invoice report
4: Unit 4 Design Effective Prompts
• control report displays using prompts
• specify conditional formatting values using prompts
• specify conditional rendering of objects based on prompt selection
• create sorted and filtered reports based on prompt selection
5: Unit 5 Create additional advanced reports
• create a report that displays summarized data before detailed data
• highlight alternate rows in a list report
• create a report using an external data file
• use single data items to summarize report information
• Create a report with tabbed pages. – New
6: Unit 6 Examine the report specification
• examine the report specification structure
• save and edit reports locally
• discuss considerations for modifying a report specification
• discuss adding custom toolbox objects and custom template options
7: Unit 7 Distribute reports through bursting
• distribute reports using bursting
• create burst keys
• identify report recipients and data items using burst tables
• distribute reports using email and the IBM Cognos Analytics portal
8: Unit 8 Enhance user interaction with HTML
• create tooltips that clarify report data
• create a popup window that contains prompts
• send emails using links in a report
9: Unit 9 – End-to-end workshop
Report 1: Burst a sales report by country
Report 2: Create a report letting users choose top and bottom number of product types
Report 3: Let users choose a chart type to display with a crosstab
Appendix A – Explore the Prompt API (Optional)
• describe the Prompt API
• describe the uses of the Prompt API
• describe the primary objects, methods and properties used in the Prompt API
• review prompt values
• explore the enhancement of prompts in reports with the Prompt API
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